Thought about it a bit more, and came up with a 2000 point list that builds up from the Alpha Legion base I've nearly almost got painted up. Kinda like the idea of sticking with the Legion too:
Lord - MoCU, furious charge, 2 ccw, stature, speed, mutation, aura, essence, spiky, frags = 168
Lt - MoCU, furious charge, infiltrate, power weapon, bolt pistol, speed, mutation, aura, spiky, meltas, frags = 147
Obliterator = 70
10 CSM - MoCU, infiltrate, autocannon, plasma gun, AC w/ kai gun, power weapon = 228
8 CSM - MoCU, lascannon, flamer, AC w/ powerfist, combi-flamer, mutation = 184
Rhino - Mutated hull, havok launcher, extra armor, smoke = 113
20 Assassin Cultists - MoCU, krak, champ w/ power weapon = 175
10 Scout Cultists - MoCU, champ = 75
6 Demonettes = 90
6 Demonettes = 90
Fast Attak
5 Furies = 75
Heavy Support
6 Havoks - MoCU, infiltrate, 3 missile launchers = 156
Dreadnought - Plasma cannon, mutated hull, heavy flamer = 157
Land Raider - Demonic possession = 270
1998 points
74 infantry, 1 raider, 1 dread, 1 rhino
So 1500 list + a demon prince, a demon land raider, and 5 flying undivided demons. I can handle that.
Painting: Work has begun on the dreadnought, though slowly for now. Have to see what the new year brings ...
The one thing I dislike about speed paints
4 days ago
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